Had these limitations overcome, this game could be close to perfection. This limitation does not exist in well-researched games, like in Nobunaga's Ambition series. and that is not a feeling you want after spending many many hours playing one game. In Rome: Barbarian Invasions i actually lost the campaign because i was so bankrupt and in the red (destroyed a bunch of outlying towns and moved all the armies so instead of. But with fictional names? Although it seems simple it can definitely feel underwhelming. In Shogun 2 i've killed Daimyo's in the lone region a clan has left, then put the town under siege and ended turn.only to have a brand new Daimyo pop up in the town. It is fun and all building a family tree and looking back on your ever-growing household. Thus, it makes the game seem "shallower" than it actually is. Mostly fictional officers and vassals, with randomly generated Japanese names. Often, there is very fun gameplay to be had in lesser, obscure households as well, so in this case the game can comparatively have less depth. For players of hardcore feudal japan-themed grand strategy games, this number is not that high, since it means you can only choose between very prominent houses. Though, some perhaps major, drawbacks: 1.

Definitely one of the best games in the total war series. Some of the best mechanics from previous total war games are enhanced, and the setting on feudal Japan? Awesome. Some of the best mechanics from previous total war games are enhanced, and the setting on feudal One of the best in the total war franchise. One of the best in the total war franchise.